Navajo Yei Weaving Show

UPCOMING SHOW Mark Your Calendar!! FEB 28 – May 28 - Extended through May by popular demand!
Holy Girl Yei Navajo Pictorial Weaving. She is over 8' Tall!
click here for more info on the upcoming show presents ” WOVEN HOLY PEOPLE” Show and Sale OPENING Sunday February 28, 2016 Reserve your space for the Opening Day with Steve Getzwiller.
“Woven Holy People” February 28 – May 28, 2016 Over 50 weavings will date from the 1900’s to the present. Yeis, Yei Be Chei and Sandpainting textiles. Our first in Gallery Show!!!
I get more excited about the "Holy Woven People" show every day. As we hang the weavings and put together the history and information about each piece, it brings us so much closer to the Navajo spirit and origin. For example -this just makes me feel the peace and sacred heart of the Navajo : Gary Whiterspoon writes a Navajo saying which describes best the Navajo Hozho- ideal of beauty and the Navajo placement within. shil hozho with me there is beauty shii hozho in me there is beauty shaa hozho from me beauty radiates In the Navajo Creation Story, there exists numerous persona identified as Holy People or Yeibichai who exemplify the concepts of hozho. Yet these same Holy People also have the potential to create their dynamic opposites as seen in such qualities as chaos, foolishness and ugliness. This duality of beauty and harmony co-existing with chaos and disorder is indeed the central theme of the traditional Navajo culture and of weaving as well. CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO THE CATALOG A few more examples below… Steve & Gail Getzwiller
Helene Nez working at the loom of one of the few Navajo Sandpainting weavings she has finished. I say few because each one takes 2 years to complete. This is an image of the Arrow People Yei.

Yei Be Chei - circa 1940 - 5' high by 8' wide. A monumental piece!!!
- fiverr fiver