Exhibits and Shows

Time changes life for everyone, and that’s especially true for the Navajo. During the last part of 19th century, trading posts opened up and traditional life for the Navajo began to evolve rapidly; especially when it came to Navajo weavers. It was with the changes to wool, newly available dyes, and the transition from wearing blankets to floor rugs; that gave way to this “transitional” period and thus, Transitional Rugs were born.
The Heard Museum exhibit COLOR RIOT !, How color Changed Navajo Textiles (April - September 2019)
We are proud to participate in this exhibit! Some of our most visually interesting weavings are featured in this excellent show - 14 to be exact. We hope everyone interested in Navajo weavings has an opportunity to see this exciting event!
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Steve and Gail's love of Navajo weaving started as a passion for collecting, that morphed into a business and then into a gallery. In the 1990's they started the Navajo Churro Collection - providing the weavers with Navajo Churro Wool that was custom spun and hand dyed with the finest natural and aniline dyes available. The real artistry comes from the weavers magically putting the wefts into a spacial design - that is at times beyond belief.
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Historically traders encouraged unique and signature designs for Navajo rugs in their particular area. In the case of Toadlena and Two Grey Hills they worked to enhance marketability and cultivate regional styles.
This exhibit highlights differing phases of influence on the Navajo weaver. Showcasing historic textiles we have collected over the years, as well as those commissioned from weavers we have worked with over the last 45 years.
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One Trader’s Legacy: Steve Getzwiller Collects the West (2017- ) Wickenburg AZ DCWM
Steve Getzwiller, cowboy, collector, and Indian trader-started his lifelong passion for collecting the west and Native American artifacts nearly 50 years ago, beginning as a teenager with his exposure to the Amerind Museum and mentor Charles C. Di Peso. A natural trader, he has become known for his work with weavers from the Navajo Nation. While Getzwiller has collaborated with multiple museums to present exhibitions of historic and contemporary Navajo Textiles, One Trader’s Legacy marks the first time that Getzwiller’s personal collection of rugs, paintings, pottery, baskets, Apache Material, saddles, guns and more will be on public view.