Master Weavings of the Navajo Churro Collection
Master Weavings of the Navajo Churro Collection
From the Getzwiller Collection
March 2019
the 5th Exhibition at the Nizhoni Ranch Gallery focusing on the Living Artists whose works are represented in the Navajo Churro Collection. The weavings families featured rank among the most talented Navajo weaving families past or present. They have mastered the traditional techniques of the Navajo loom, taking the Navajo textile to new heights of design and symmetry.
Our love of Navajo weaving started as a passion for collecting, that morphed into a business and then into a gallery. In the 1990s we started the Navajo Churro Collection - pro biding the weavers with Navajo Churro Wool that was custom spun and hand dyed with the finest natural and aniline dyes available. The real artistry comes from he weavers magically putting the wefts into a spacial design - that is at times beyond belief.