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Exhibit: 2017 - The Dazzled Eye

The Dazzled Eye
Navajo Textiles from the Getzwiller Collection
Exhibited at Tucson Desert Art Museum
January 13 - May 28, 2017

“Gaudy”   “Barbaric”   “An aesthetic debauch”

These were the opinions of many Western critics who, during the Victorian age, found Navajo Eyedazzler weavings jarring and ill-fitted to their décor.


Not until the Op Art movement during the 1960's did collectors and artists alike go wild for these weavings that produced similar tricks on the eye as Opt Art did but were created far earlier.


Featuring selections from world-renowned collectors Steve and Gail Getzwiller, The Dazzled Eye contrasts these works of woven art with American Op Art by exploring the popularity and history of Navajo Eyedazzlers and optical weavings. This exhibition will also show how these works by Navajo weavers epitomize Navajo aesthetics and a mindfulness of movement.




 The Dazzled Eye ExhibitAlyssa (Tucson Desert Art Museum) and Steve Getzwiller at exhibit opening. Dazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - Chevron wallDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - Chevron wall detailDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - look at the colors!Dazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - wearing blankets on blueDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - wearing blanketsDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - the main roomDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - Jeff & Ann, Gail & SteveDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - Steve & Gail, Brandy & Larry

Dazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - Steve and RobinDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - color explosionDazzled eye weavings on display at Tucson Desert Art Museum - incredible wearing blankets
