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John Bradford Moore
JB Moore war ein Händler, der einen Handelsposten in Crystal, New Mexico, am westlichen Ende des Narbona-Passes errichtete. Seine Mission war es, alles zu kaufen, was die Navajo verkaufen mussten, und den Navajo alles zu verkaufen, was sie brauchten.
Um die Jahrhundertwende gab es eine große Nachfrage nach Orientteppichen. Moore verstand, was der Markt im Osten der Vereinigten Staaten schätzen würde.Während der Wintermonate beschäftigte Moore Navajo-Weber, um Teppiche herzustellen. Er sorgte dafür, dass die Wolle und das Weben von guter Qualität waren und schuf seine eigenen Designs mit orientalischen Elementen. Er erlangte schnell einen Ruf als Quelle für hochwertige Teppiche.
Moores Geschäft florierte und 1903 und 1911 veröffentlichte er Versandhandelskataloge, in denen er Geschäfte aus den gesamten USA abwickelte. In seinem Katalog von 1903 machte Moore viel von der Authentizität seiner Produkte. Der Katalog enthielt Fotos des Innen- und Außenbereichs des Handelspostens und des umliegenden Landes sowie von Navajo-Leuten, Webstühlen im Freien und Hogans. Er sagte: "Obwohl diese Broschüre keinen Anspruch darauf erhebt, ein Pionier auf ihrem Gebiet zu sein, denke ich, dass sie die erste ihrer Art sein kann, die von einem unter und lebenden indischen Händler aus dem Zentrum des Navajo-Indianerreservats heraus veröffentlicht und verbreitet wird direkter Umgang mit den Indianern, die die Waren herstellen, die sie illustrieren und beschreiben. "
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JB Moore Crystal Plate VIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 569 : 53" x 78" : (4'5" x 6'6")
JB Moore

JB Moore Crystal Plate VIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 569 : 53" x 78" : (4'5" x 6'6")
$ 22,500.00
This JB Moore Crystal weaving was created using plate VIII. Hand spun, hand carded Native wool, with aniline dye and indigo. Style JB Moore Crystal Weaver Unknown Date circa 1895-1900s Size 53" x 78" (4'5" x 6'6") Item # GHT 569 Learn more about JB Moore style of weavings Contact us for more information, pricing or to order – s...
Crystal JB Moore Plate XXI Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2121 : 116″ x 58″ (9'8" x 4'10")
JB Moore

Crystal JB Moore Plate XXI Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2121 : 116″ x 58″ (9'8" x 4'10")
$ 12,000.00
Crystal JB Moore Navajo rug. This weaving used plate XXI, a beautiful adaptation of a JB Moore- Crystal weaving. Tightly woven with hand spun, hand carded native wool. The variegation in the browns is incredible. The red is aniline dyes which was hand dyed by the weaver. Style JB Moore Weaver unknown Date circa 1920 Size 116″ x 58″ ...

JB Moore- Crystal Navajo Rug : Historic : PC 105 : 62″ x 94″ : (5'2" x 7'10")
$ 15,000.00
JB Moore Crystal Navajo rug. This Navajo weaving was created using aniline dyes, and is hand carded, hand spun Native wool. This weaving uses numerous JB Moore plates for inspiration. See the photos, left to right. Plate III : The arrow border Plate VII: Two rows of diamondsPlate XXV: The hook element. Plate XXX: The whirling logs in the cor...

JB Moore Plate XI Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 108 : 52″ x 96″ : (4'4" x 8')
$ 11,000.00
JB Moore Navajo rug. This JB Moore piece was created in the 1900's with hand spun, hand carded Native wool, with aniline dyes. Looking in the JB Moore catalog, the plate used to create this pattern was plate XI. Style JB Moore Weaver Unknown Navajo Date circa 1900-1910s Size 52″ x 96″ (4'4" x 8') Item # PC 108 Learn more about...
JB Moore Crystal Weaving : Historic : PC 129 : 46" x 65" : (3'10" x 5'5")
Two Grey Hills
JB Moore Crystal Weaving : Historic : PC 129 : 46" x 65" : (3'10" x 5'5")
$ 12,500.00
Two Grey Hills Navajo rug. This early Navajo Two Grey Hills rug is a Storm Pattern Variant . Woven with hand carded, hand spun Churro wool, quite wonderful. The detailed white border with designs is the weavers signature. This weaving was part of the Timeless Treasures of Two Grey Hills Exhibit and catalog, page 6. Style JB Moore Crystal ...

SOLD - JB Moore Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 116 : 56″ x 96″ : (4'8" x 8')
JB Moore Navajo rug. JB Moore's Crystal Trading Post can be attributed to many beautiful Navajo weaving designs. When you look through the JB Moore Navajo Weaving catalogs that he published in 1903 and 1911 you can see bits and pieces of several design elements which have been incorporated into this incredible work of art. Hand carded, hand ...

SOLD - JB Moore Crystal Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 111 : 62" x 90" (5'2" x 7'6")
JB Moore Crystal Navajo Rug. JB Moore's Crystal Trading Post can be attributed to many beautiful Navajo weaving designs. When you look through the JB Moore Navajo Weaving catalogs that he published in 1903 and 1911 you can see bits and pieces of several design elements which have been incorporated into this incredible work of art. Created us...
JB Moore/Crystal Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 110 : 64″ x 96″ : (5'4" x 8'2")
JB Moore

JB Moore/Crystal Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 110 : 64″ x 96″ : (5'4" x 8'2")
$ 15,000.00
JB Moore Crystal Navajo rug. Beautifully woven with many Spider woman crosses, all natural Crystal with hints of JB Moore plate IV styling. This Navajo rug was created using hand carded, hand spun and all natural native wool. JB Moore and other Traders on the reservation were responsible for helping to define regional styles of weaving. JB...

SOLD - JB Moore Plate XXIV Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 112 : 53″ x 74″ : (4'5" x 6'2")
JB Moore Navajo rug. JB Moore recognized the unique skill of the Navajo weaver, and he and other Trading Post owners were responsible for the creation of regional styles of weaving. JB Moore took the promotion of Navajo weaving a step farther than most and created a catalog in 1903 and 1911 of examples of weavings that could be purchased by th...

JB Moore Navajo Rug : Historic : PC 104 : 51″ x 78″ : (4'3" x 6'6")
$ 15,000.00
Antique Crystal/ JB Moore Navajo Rug for sale. JB Moore and other Traders on the reservation were responsible for helping to define regional styles of weaving. JB Moore printed a catalog in 1903 and 1911 of rugs in which people back East could purchase. Over the years, those designs influenced weavers to create weavings using elements of the d...
JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 1052 : 58" x 108" (4'10″ x 9′)

JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 1052 : 58" x 108" (4'10″ x 9′)
$ 18,000.00
Crystal JB Moore Navajo Rug. Circa 1915-1920s, in MINT condition! Similar to a JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII in JB Moore 1911 Catalog. The Master weaver of this piece modified the original plate and added beautiful interwoven X's in each of the corners. Each plate was used as a guide and the artist would add elements to make it their own. W...