A catalog was printed to preserve the exhibit, as some pieces find new homes.
Gewebte Navajo-Teppiche des Heiligen Volkes zum Verkauf
SOLD - Bistie - Sandpainting Navajo Weaving : Marian Nez : Churro 1345 : 72" x 108" (6′ x 9′) : Award Winner!
Marian Nez born in 1967, is Helene and Cindy’s older sister. She was taught to weave by her mother and grandmother. A master weaver, she has won many awards and her weavings have been exhibited in the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg. This particular piece is just spectacular. Woven in a contemporary Bistie style, with a central e...
Yei : Navajo Weaving : Anita Tsosie : 3422 : 70" x 84" (5'10" x 7'2") : Award Winner!
Yei : Navajo Weaving : Anita Tsosie : 3422 : 70" x 84" (5'10" x 7'2") : Award Winner!
$ 12,500.00
Woven by Master Weaver Anita Tsosie, this Sandpainting weaving won a Blue Ribbon at the 1995 O’odham Tash All Indian Fair. It has commercial dyes and of course is very tightly woven. Extremely well known, Anita won Best of Show at Santa Fe Indian Market for her Sandpainting Weaving depicting the Sky People in 2004. She also won first place in t...