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Diese wunderschön einzigartige und funktionale Kunst hat im Laufe der Zeit viele Iterationen durchlaufen, daher ist es wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, wie die Navajo zu Beginn vor der Ära des Handelspostens von den traditionellen Hauptdecken zu den regionalen Bildmaterialen von heute übergegangen sind.ay.
Die historische Periode der Navajo-Teppichweberei begann wirklich in den frühen 1700er Jahren und dauerte bis in die 1850er Jahre. Weber, die von den Pueblos, Spaniern und Händlern lernten, schufen Decken, Kleider, Teppiche und Wandteppiche, die den Grundstein für eine bedeutende künstlerische und kulturelle Bewegung der Navajo gelegt haben.
Das Weben änderte sich schnell von den 1850er bis in die 1940er Jahre. Tatsächlich durchlief der Navajo in dieser Zeit sechs Perioden, darunter: Spätklassiker, Bestattung Bosque Redondo oder Long Walk, Übergang, Teppich, Wiederbelebung und schließlich die regionalen Handelspostenstile.s.
Das Wichtigste, an das Sie sich erinnern sollten, ist, dass wenn Sie sich mit authentischen Navajo-Webereien beschäftigen, seien es Decken, Übergangsarbeiten oder bestimmte Stücke wie Germantown, Dazzlers, Two Grey Hills oder sogar Pictorials, diese originellen Unikate sind Kunstwerke, die nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt zu finden sind.d.
Antike, Vintage und historische Navajo Teppiche
Teec Nos Pos - Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2096: 64" x 116" : (5'4" x 9'8")
Teec Nos Pos

Teec Nos Pos - Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2096: 64" x 116" : (5'4" x 9'8")
$ 32,000.00
Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug. Woven in the 1920s featuring two central Spiderwoman crosses brilliantly woven with a fine zig-zag accent, red ribbon borders and a gorgeous reversing arrow brown border, this piece has it all! The colors are as vivid today as they were when the loom artist brought this piece to life. It was woven with beautiful Lincoln...

Teec Nos Pos : Historic : GHT 863 : 84" x 150" (7’x12.5′)
$ 27,500.00
Teec Nos Pos rug that is an exceptional piece. Exquisite border - there is so much detail in this piece. One of the most complex and complicated designs in Navajo weaving. This style was influenced by the oriental rugs in the East, yet retain their native American symbolic style. All hand carded, handspun, and hand dyed. Approximately 6 mon...
JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 1052 : 58" x 108" (4'10″ x 9′)

JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 1052 : 58" x 108" (4'10″ x 9′)
$ 18,000.00
Crystal JB Moore Navajo Rug. Circa 1915-1920s, in MINT condition! Similar to a JB Moore Crystal Plate XXIII in JB Moore 1911 Catalog. The Master weaver of this piece modified the original plate and added beautiful interwoven X's in each of the corners. Each plate was used as a guide and the artist would add elements to make it their own. W...
Crystal Hero Twin Navajo Rug Weaving : Historic : GHT 536 : 54" x 108" : (4'6" x 9')

Crystal Hero Twin Navajo Rug Weaving : Historic : GHT 536 : 54" x 108" : (4'6" x 9')
$ 12,000.00
Crystal Hero Twin Storm Pattern Navajo Rug. Hand-carded, hand-spun, and hand-dyed native wool. This beautiful piece was featured in the Navajo Textiles as Modern Art exhibit held at Nizhoni Ranch Gallery March 11 - June 30 2017. You can find this weaving in the catalog Navajo Textiles As Modern Art on page 16. Style Crystal Weaver Unknown...

Rio Grande Style Navajo Weaving : Historic : PC 252 : 47.5" x 84" (3'11.5" x 7")
$ 10,500.00
Rio Grande style Navajo blanket has hand spun wool and variegated dyes. It is likely this weaving was for a Hispanic household, this Navajo weaver intentionally variegated her dyes to simulate Rio Grande dye techniques, which offered dimension not typically seen in Navajo weaving in that time frame. This weaving was part of an Exhibition showing...

Ganado - Klagetoh : Historic : GHT 2104 : 52″ x 128″ : (4'4"x 10'8")
$ 8,700.00
Ganado Klagetoh Navajo rug. This exquisite piece is a Ganado - Klagetoh design from the Hubble Trading Post. The Master weaver responsible for this piece had a keen eye for color, pattern, and symmetry. Every design element works together perfectly - from the angles of the stepped border to the wonderful sawtooth central belted diamonds. ...