- Zuhause
- Churro Navajo Teppiche und Decken
- $20000 to $30000
Jede Weberei aus der Navajo Churro Collection ist fortlaufend nummeriert und mit einem Echtheitszertifikat versehen, das die Registrierungsnummer, ein Foto der Weberei und des Künstlers sowie alle anderen Informationen zur Weberei enthält.
Wenn die Preise nicht aufgeführt sind, rufen Sie bitte Robin oder Beth unter 520-455-5020 an oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an Steve@NavajoRug.Com.
Churro Navajo Teppiche und Decken

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug : Cecelia Nez : Churro 12 : 48" x 84" (4' x 7')
$ 24,000.00
Teec Nos Pos by Master Weaver Cecelia Nez. Teec Nos Pos is one of the most complex and complicated designs in Navajo weaving. This style was influenced by the oriental rugs in the East, yet retain their native American symbolic style. Cecelia won “BEST OF SHOW” • 1ST PLACE & BEST OF CATEGORY • Teec Nos Pos • 2014 GALLUP INTER-TRIBAL INDIAN...

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug: Cindy Nez : Churro 40 : 60" x 108" (5' x 9')
$ 25,000.00
Master Weaver Cindy Nez is an extremely talented weaver. She has won many awards. Woven using custom spun, hand-dyed Navajo Churro wool. This weaving took part in the "The Getzwiller Collection of Contemporary Navajo Weavings 1975 - 2000", at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg AZ. It is an early one from our exclusive Churro ...

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Weaving : Grace Nez : Churro 58 : 72" x 120" (6'x 10)
$ 25,000.00
Master Weaver Grace Nez Teec Nos Pos. Grace has woven the largest weavings we have ever offered. Grace won Best of Show at Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial in 2005 and Best of Show at Museum of Northern Arizona. This weaving took part in the "The Getzwiller Collection of Contemporary Navajo Weavings 1975 - 2000", at the Desert Caballeros Western...

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug: Helene Nez : Churro 499 : 53" x 108" (4'5" x 9')
$ 25,000.00
Helene Nez is an extremely talented weaver. She has won many awards for her outstanding skill and eye for detail. This rug was on the loom for 13 months, from Gail and Steve's private collection, never offered for sale before. In this piece of art she created a Teec Nos Pos. Helene has been a meticulous weaver from the very start of her weavin...