- Zuhause
- Churro Navajo Teppiche und Decken
- $15000 to $20000
Jede Weberei aus der Navajo Churro Collection ist fortlaufend nummeriert und mit einem Echtheitszertifikat versehen, das die Registrierungsnummer, ein Foto der Weberei und des Künstlers sowie alle anderen Informationen zur Weberei enthält.
Wenn die Preise nicht aufgeführt sind, rufen Sie bitte Robin oder Beth unter 520-455-5020 an oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an Steve@NavajoRug.Com.
Churro Navajo Teppiche und Decken
1st Phase Chief Blanket : Jamie Marianito : Churro 1763 : 64" x 70" (5'4" x 5'10")
Chiefs Blankets

1st Phase Chief Blanket : Jamie Marianito : Churro 1763 : 64" x 70" (5'4" x 5'10")
$ 15,000.00
1st Phase Chief Blanket by Master Weaver Jamie Marianito. The Marianito family has a gift for weaving stunning Chief Blankets. This weaving was woven using 100% hand dyed custom spun Churro wool, with indigo blue, cochineal and natural wool colors. The variegation is absolutely beautiful. Style Chief Blankets Weaver Jamie Marianito Date...

Manta : Navajo Weaving : Jamie Marianito : Churro 487 : 44" x 62" (3'8" x 5'2")
$ 16,500.00
This Manta was created by Jamie Marianito in 2002 and is an incredibly beautiful weaving. Cochineal and Indigo, natural dyes. This particular piece was featured in the stunning 2006 exhibit at the Desert Caballeros Museum in Wickenburg, "THE NEXT PHASE Navajo Weaving in the 21st Century from the Getzwiller Collection". Style All Natural Dyes...

Klagetoh Navajo Weaving : Anita Bekay : Churro 1237 : 72" x 108 (6' x 9')
$ 16,500.00
Klagetoh Navajo Rug. What is the difference between a Ganado and Klagetoh? Klagetoh has a grey background while Ganado has a red background. This is a big weaving! Woven with beautiful 100% custom spun, hand dyed Churro wool. Incredible design! Recently pulled out of the vault! Style Klagetoh Weaver Anita Bekay Date 2010 Size 72" ...