Off to Santa Fe!

Hello Everyone,
Getting ready for Santa Fe -
We will be bringing a selection of Historic Textiles with us. Let us know if you have any favorites you want to see in person.. We have heard from a few folks and don't want you to miss a chance to see any of the Antique Rugs in person.
Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial Winners will also be available for
viewing August 14th thru the 21st
in Santa Fe, at the Bishops Lodge Road House
The latest Silk Shawl - Sure to be a Show Stopper
Be sure to call to make your appointment with Steve to see the winners.
Call the Gallery - 520-455-5020 or call Steve direct - 520-241-5581.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Happy Trails,
- Gail Getzwiller