Happy 4th of July

Happy Birthday America!
We salute the Red, White and Blue!
A few weavings to inspire you!

Germantown Optical Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2203 : 49 1/2″ x 68″

JB Moore Crystal Plate VIII Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 569 : 53" x 78"

3rd Phase Chief Blanket : Historic Navajo Blanket : PC 148 : 72" x 78"

Crystal Navajo Weaving : Historic : GHT 2101 : 59″ x 72″

3rd Phase Chief Blanket : Historic : GHT 2126 : 57″ x 77″

Crystal American Indian Rug : Historic : GHT 2090 : 40″ x 62″
Happy 4th of July Trails!
Steve, Gail and Beth
Nizhoni Ranch Gallery
P.O. Box 815, Sonoita AZ 85637
Steve, Gail and Beth
Nizhoni Ranch Gallery
P.O. Box 815, Sonoita AZ 85637
- Beth Barth