*** Sandbox Collection ***

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug : Linda Nez : Churro 509 : 72" x 108" (6′ x 9′)
Master weaver Linda Nez has a gift for creating magnificent works of art. Great things take time, this weaving was on the loom for 15 months This weaving is as tight as canvas and as fine in design as any Navajo Weaving. Upon closer inspection you will see her expert color and design combinations. This gorgeous piece comes from our exclusive Chu...
Two Grey Hills Bistie Navajo Rug : Historic : PC 103 : 49" x 122" (4'1" x 10'2")
Two Grey Hills

Two Grey Hills Bistie Navajo Rug : Historic : PC 103 : 49" x 122" (4'1" x 10'2")
$ 45,000.00
Two Grey Hills area Bistie runner. This is the only Bistie rug Steve has seen in a runner size. Native wool, likely Churro. Hand carded, hand spun. Extremely well woven by a Master Weaver. This weaving was part of the Timeless Treasures of Two Grey Hills Exhibit and catalog, page 25. Style Two Grey Hills Bistie Weaver Unknown Circa 19...

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug : Linda Nez : Churro 151 : 72" x 108" (6' x 9')
$ 185,000.00
Master Weaver Linda Nez's Teec Nos Pos. Made in the prime of her weaving career, meticulously woven, extremely tight and the design is flawless. This weaving took part in the "The Getzwiller Collection of Contemporary Navajo Weavings 1975 - 2000", at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg AZ. It is an early one from our exclu...