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Master Navajo Weaver Elsie Bia

Ganado Navajo Rug : Elsie Bia : Churro 1762 : 41" x 60" (3'5" x 5")
$ 9,000.00
Master Weaver Elsie Bia has woven a beautiful Ganado. Ganado and Klagetoh designs are often confused. Ganado has the red background, Klagetoh has the grey. Many weavers just call Ganados "red" rug. No matter, both are beautiful design styles, call them what you want! We love the soft palette. The wide, multi grey border is just gorgeous. ...
Innovative Design Navajo Rug : Elsie Bia : Churro 1683 : 36.5" x 60.5" (3'.5" x 5'.5") - Award Winner!

Innovative Design Navajo Rug : Elsie Bia : Churro 1683 : 36.5" x 60.5" (3'.5" x 5'.5") - Award Winner!
$ 8,500.00
Optical Design by Master Weaver Elsie Bia. For those of you who follow Elsie, you will recognize this design. While she has woven a few of in the past - each one is different. Weavers never weave an exact duplication. Since a similar weaving by Elsie is traveling with the Color Riot, How Color Changed Navajo Textiles exhibit, which is now...

Serape Variant : Navajo Rug: Elsie Bia : Churro 1752 : 24" x 36" (2' x 3')
$ 6,800.00
A Navajo Rug with Serape design elements by Master Weaver Elsie Bia. This is an unusually small rug for Elsie. For those who love her weavings, yet is out of their budget, this is an excellent opportunity to collect an Elsie Bia. Churro wool with indigo blue. Style Serape Variant Weaver Elsie Bia circa 2024 Size 24" x 36" (2' x 3') ...
Two Grey Hill : Elsie Bia : Churro 1704 : 50" x 72" (4'2" x 6') - Award Winner!
Two Grey Hill

Two Grey Hill : Elsie Bia : Churro 1704 : 50" x 72" (4'2" x 6') - Award Winner!
$ 9,000.00
Two Grey Hill Navajo Rug. Master Weaver Elsie Bia has woven a beautiful Two Grey Hill with natural wool colors. 100% custom spun Churro wool. Elsie took a picture with Spider Rock , home of Spider Woman, in the background. Beautiful day in Canyon de Chelly! • Style Two Grey Hill • Weaver Elsie Bia • Date 2022 • Size 50" x 72" (4'2" x...
Yei be Chei Navajo Rug : Elsie Bia : Churro 1699 : 35" x 60" (2'11" x 5') - Award Winner!

Yei be Chei Navajo Rug : Elsie Bia : Churro 1699 : 35" x 60" (2'11" x 5') - Award Winner!
$ 9,500.00
Yei be Chei Navajo Weaving by Master Weaver Elsie Bia. Made of 100% hand dyed, custom spun Churro Wool. The Yei Be Chei dancers are the human impersonators who perform the ceremonies. The Yei Be Chei weavings present the dancers as they dance, perform, and enact the ceremony of the Yeis. Ceremonies are performed to either attract or exorcise...