Special Visitor !

I could not help but share this wonderful photo with you of this beautiful Dragonfly If I measured - it would probably be 5" long. Simply beautiful! He or she came into the gallery after a wonderful rain which refreshed everything around Nizhoni Ranch. Be sure to scroll down to see all of the photos of this beauty!
We say thank you for the visit and as the Navajos interpret the visit of this beautiful messenger from the gods - August will be an exciting month for us - bringing many blessings and recognition for the beautiful Navajo weavings we will be entering into Ceremonial and sharing with all in Santa Fe.
We will keep you posted and updated as things progress. If you are going to Santa Fe be sure to call us for a personal viewing of the special weavings from Ceremonial and more.
I finally coaxed our little friend outside after 3 days of hide and seek in the gallery. He flew behind this basket and I was able to carry him outside, basket and all. He just hung out letting me take several videos and photos. Just before he decided to take off I took this shot. I am sure he was looking at me!! The other amazing thing was after he flew off he went to my rose bush and it looked like he pushed a large bug off a leaf and if fell down onto a leaf below. It turned out to be another dragonfly - I wonder if it was his mate! They flew around the front yard for a long while, I stood and watched them. What a thrill. I could look at him all day - so beautiful!
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