Nizhoni Ranch News

The Start! We are in the early stages of creating a film of our Navajo weavers and the Navajo Nation!

Left to Right: Lori Cummings, Daisey James, Elsie Bia and Gail Getzwiller in Canyon de Chelly at Spider Rock.

Left to Right: Steve Wood, Lori Cummings, Gail Getzwiller and Jeff Voracek at the Historic El Rancho Hotel in Gallup NM.

Left to Right: Jeff Voracek and Berlinda Nez Barber at Bill Malone Trading.

Kathy Marianito (91 years old!) at her loom. October 2024

Left to Right: Judy, Jamie, Jalucie, Sean, Laverta, Kathy and Lucie Marianito. Jeff Voracek and Steve Wood in the rear, on the Navajo Nation.
- Beth Barth

What is my Grandmother's rug Worth?
Here at Nizhoni Ranch Gallery we get our fair share of inquiries about Navajo rugs people have inherited from family members. Most stories begin with something like "my grandmother bought a weaving from a trading post while vacationing in the Southwest"
The main question we are asked is "what is it worth?" The answer is: it depends... In valuing weavings we suggest keeping the following things at the forefront:
Size, Condition, Complexity of Design, Age, Tightness of weave, Types of dyes used (natural vs aniline) and provenance.
Yes, size matters - a lot. Big rugs are rare which of course increases value. Past and present weavers typically weave small to medium size rugs. One reason is limited space. The larger the rug, the larger the loom. Many Navajo live in homes that have low ceilings and low square footage, which makes it nearly impossible for many weavers to take on large rugs. Another is the amount of time it takes to weave large rugs. Large rugs can take a year or more to complete. Weaver's payday typically come when they sell their rug. Which means fewer weavers then and now take on large rugs.
The condition of a Navajo Rug will of course affect the value. Pay attention to any damage, if it is clean, edges are damages, if there is any fading (one side is lighter than the other), if the wool colors have run, stains, etc. There are talented rug restores out there, yet some issues just cannot be fixed. Navajo rugs that have serious damage may not not even be worth the original cost. One rug restoration company we recommend our customers to is: Enver From Denver.
1840 to 1950
Navajo rugs before the 1950's we consider historic or antique. Navajo weavings started to become popular at about the turn of the century. Navajo Textiles from 1800's have a much higher value - and they don't have to be in perfect condition. Just ask Big LT... and his amazing weaving
1940 to 1970
In mid 1900 the Southwest was all the rage. The Navajo keyed in on this and began weaving rugs for tourists. A perfect and inexpensive souvenir that could easily fit in a suitcase to take home. Navajo weavers would set up along side tourist routes. Few tourists could resist a beautiful piece of art. The weavings were small in size, designs were simple yet colorful, not always finely woven and not with the best wool. These weavings typically have a moderate value. Not necessarily a valuable family heirloom, but a warm reminder of who passed it down.
Yei Pictorial, 41" x 60", Circa 1940-1950, GHT 2304, $4,500
1970 to Present
Today's Contemporary Navajo rugs, can range from UNDER $500 up to many thousands of dollars. The number of Navajo weavers working today is dwindling. Many Navajo are not learning this sacred Navajo weaving tradition, as it is a very time consuming, the pay is inconsistent and requires discipline in learning the art form.
American Indian Double Saddle Blanket, 32" x 63", Circa 1970-1980, SG 28, $ 1,000
There are 28 Styles of Navajo Rugs. Some Styles are more difficult to weave than others. Complexity and tightness of the weave affect the value. Generally speaking, the tighter and finer the weave, the more valuable the piece. Teec Nos Pos is generally considered the most intricate design.
Navajo Churro Collection, Teec Nos Pos, Geraldine Phillips, 6"1" x 12'1", Churro wool, 2015 Geraldine won Best of Category for large rugs in 2015. Churro # 1574, $16,000, 520-455-5020.
Natural Dyes vs Aniline
Using natural dyes vs aniline dyes (commercial chemical dye). Natural dyes add value because of the extra time it takes to hand dye the wool. Hand dying wool with natural dyes can take almost as much time as weaving the rug. See a previous blog we wrote on natural dyes: An Organic Experience
Double Saddle Blanket, 35" x 58", Circa 1900-1910
GHT 2312, $ 1,250
Provenance is the history of the weaver and ownership of the weaving. When the history of a weaving can be verified it takes on a whole new value. The well known story of the PBS Antique Roadshow Ute blanket's provenance went all the way back to Kit Carson. A must see video from Antique Road Show - warning it is a tear jerker!
First Phase Ute Blanket, circa 1850, PBS Antique Roadshow
The Bottom Line
If you want to get an accurate value on a weaving, contact a certified appraiser that specializes in Native American art, or better yet Navajo weavings. Nizhoni Ranch does not do appraisals, as we are not certified appraisers. We suggest contacting Joan Caballero Appraisals in Amarillo/New Mexico : website
Happy Trails,
Steve, Gail, Robin and Beth
Nizhoni Ranch Gallery
Phone: 520-455- 5020
- Beth Barth

Navajo Rugs Have Transformed My Home
The first thing I would say is everyone who comes into the home and sees the large Navajo rug in the living room remarks that this single item has transformed the way the whole house looks - and without me soliciting comments! The next thing I notice is that most of the time they suddenly sit down on the sofas and just start remarking how much this one large rug has enhanced the beauty of the living room! Many have remarked that the Navajo rug I chose from yall for this room even matches the stonework colors in the living room! Truthfully I never had anyone remark about the Costco rug I had in this room ever! And I give yall all the credit for the real life photography on your website which enabled me to make the decisions. I had no idea this would elicit so many comments.
The Navajo rugs I have purchased from you have really transformed the comfort and beauty level in my opinion of this nice house in a gated community here in Austin. Another interesting observation is how my cocker spaniel Rocky likes all of the Navajo rugs I have purchased from you - and how he seems to claim them!! When he is in the office looking out and being the watch dog he is, he puts his well fed rear end right on the Navajo rug - and not the wooden flooring anymore!
So that is testimony number 2 for my observations of this dogs' reaction to his new "purchase" from yall.
The beautiful Navajo rugs I have purchased from you are in 5 words - beautiful, transformational, worth the money (in my opinion)! And I might add the Navajo rug I purchased from you for the room I use as an office in the front part of the house has made me totally 'unclutter' this room because I like the look and 'feel' of this room so much more now because of this beautiful Navajo rug from yall.
Thanks again.
Dale in Austin Texas
- Beth Barth

Highlighting the Incredible Weaver Berlinda Nez-Barber
Master Weaver: Berlinda Nez
From: the Shiprock Area of the Navajo Nation
CLAN: “Where Water Meets Born for Tangle” Clan and “Bitter Water” Clan, Her Nali is Comanche Warrior.
Berlinda started Weaving in summer of 1990 when she was 14 years old. She was taught by her Mother, Grace Nez. Berlinda’s weavings have been in several exhibitions at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg, AZ.
Berlinda is from the famous and talented Nez family. Her mother Grace and 7 sisters are all award winning and highly respected Master Weavers. Berlinda, “I have no favorite styles of weaving, they all turn out wonderful and incredibly beautiful. Weaving is hard and takes a lot of thought and time, you need time! But weaving is also a lot of fun!”
Berlinda says, “I think the most exciting part of my work is when a weaving is completed. You look at the work done and know that I did that! The rugs are beautiful, they always are. My mom, Grace Nez, was always my influence and my sister Lena too, because they did and do large rugs. My sister Helene is also an inspiration to me because she does sandpainting rugs. There are designs I would still like to weave, yes. I moved off the Navajo Reservation for 12 years and then moved back. I have a family of my own and hope to weave more now and see some of my designs come to life.”
Below are weavings by Berlinda that are currently available.

Teec Nos Pos Navajo Rug : Berlinda Nez Barber : Churro 21 : 72" x 120" (6' x 10') $ 30,000
This weaving is woven with wool dyed that used all natural dyes! This weaving has been tucked away in the Getzwiller personal collection, as many of the Nez pieces have, since it was finished in 1996. It is time for this piece to grace the home of a new owner.

Night Sky Yei be Chei Pictorial Navajo Weaving : Berlinda Nez Barber : Churro 227 : 48" x 105" (4' x 8'9") : $ 27,000
Berlinda started this weaving July 1998 and finished Jan 2000 : 1 1/2 years on the loom. It is woven so tightly, it is difficult to even run a needle through it. This weaving has been tucked away in the Getzwiller personal collection, as many of the Nez pieces have, since it was finished in 2000.

Teec Nos Pos / Red Mesa Navajo Rug : Berlinda Nez Barber : Churro 1716 : 30.5" x 45.5" (2'6.5" x 3'9.5") $ 5,000
2023 Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial Award Winner!
It has been many years since we have had a rug from Berlinda. She completed this one in early 2023. SOLD
- Beth Barth

August 17th
National Nonprofit Day, recognized in America on August 17, raises awareness of charitable contributions from nonprofit groups across the world. The awareness day followed the 1894 Tariff Act that introduced the first federal tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations.
Please consider supporting our non-profit.
Forever Navajo - Supporting Navajo Weavers

FOREVER NAVAJO is a 501(c)(3) organization founded by Steve and Gail Getzwiller to help the Navajo weaver and keep the Navajo Weaving Tradition alive.
The Primary Purpose of Forever Navajo is to Preserve the Fine Art of Navajo Weaving through
* Educating the public about the Navajo weaver and Navajo weaving
* Sponsor/funding documentaries, films, articles, books, lectures about Navajo weaving
* Work with other foundations or organizations to deliver assistance to Navajo weavers
* Sponsor/fund Navajo weaving workshops
Nizhoni Ranch Gallery gives a percentage of each sale to the Forever Navajo Foundation
To Donate: checks can be written to FOREVER NAVAJO
and mail to : FOREVER NAVAJO
P.O. BOX 815
501C3 NON-PROFIT - EIN: 82-5231532
- Beth Barth

2023 Award Winners - Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial
Award: Best of Category & 1st Place (111)
Award : 1st Place (150)

Pictorial Single Saddle Navajo Blanket : GH : Churro 1708 : 29" x 31" (2'5" x 2'7") : $ 2,000
Award : 1st Place (174)
Award : 2nd Place (143)
Award : 2nd Place (145)
Award : 2nd Place (144)

Two Grey Hill Navajo Rug : Helen Bia : Churro 1718 : 29" x 36" (2'5" x 3") : $4,000
Award : 2nd Place (101)
- Beth Barth

2023 Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial
We are getting the Churro weavings ready to enter into the art show at Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial.
For decades now Nizhoni Ranch and Steve Getzwiller have submitted weavings on behalf of our weavers for judging. We are proud of our weavers who have won countless awards and prize money!
We have 20 weavings to enter this year and sure they will take home ribbons. Check back after the 13th for the list of our award winning rugs. Wish our weavers luck!
Click here for more information about Gallup Ceremonial.
- Beth Barth

Hopi Katsinas
Two-year old Kelly Shupula with gifts she received from the Katsinam at a ceremony.
Central to Hopi religion, Katsinas are supernatural beings believed to live on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona. Hopi men embody the Katsina spirits during ceremonies that take place between Winter Solstice and mid-July. The Hopis believe these spirits enable them to live in harmony with nature, ensuring rain, crops, fertility, and good hunting. The Hopi men embody the spirits of these Katsinas by wearing masks and dancing in the plazas of the villages. The dolls, which are carved replicas of the dancers, are given to the children so that they may learn about their people's traditions. The art of carving Katsina dolls has evolved from the old-style block-like figures into today's highly detailed, all-wood dolls with realistic form and action.
Over time, Katsina Dolls became more and more sophisticated and included bases for the dolls to stand on and showing the Katsina in “action”- such as dancing or hunting. All Katsina Dolls are carved out of the root of the Cottonwood tree. The Cottonwood tree’s vigorous roots travel far and deep in search of water. There is spiritual importance in this fact, as the Hopis are dry farmers in an arid part of Arizona and the search for water is of critical importance to their culture.
Click to view our collection of Katsinas for sale
For more about Katsinas keep reading...

- Beth Barth

Holy Girl Is Back!
Yei - Holy Girl Pictorial : Historic : GHT 1041 : 48" x 102" : (4' x 8'6") : $12,000
This female Yei stands over 8 feet tall! It is woven with beautiful light gray background, vibrant red, deep black and cream wool in the design. A lovely stepped border stands between two Spider woman cross borders.
This weaving was part of the 2016 Woven Holy People exhibit at Nizhoni Ranch Gallery and is on page 13 of the catalog for the show.
Taking part in the Tucson Desert Art Museum Exhibit Titled: Sacred Dancers: Ceremonial Navajo Weavings. December 15, 2021 to June 25, 2022.
More Pictorials:
Pictorial Navajo Weaving : GH : Churro 1692 : 25.5" x 32" (2'1.5" x 2'8") : $1,200
Pictorial Navajo Rug : Ervin Phillips : 3425 : 19" x 23" ( 1'7" x 1'11") : $1,500
Yei : Navajo Pictorial Weaving : Anita Tsosie : 3422 : 70" x 84" (5'10" x 7'2") : $12,500
Night Sky Yei be Chei Pictorial Navajo Weaving : Berlinda Nez Barber : Churro 227 : 48" x 105" (4' x 8'9") : $25,500
We have many more pictorials to choose from. Please click here.
- Beth Barth

Wine Down Open House Friday 4-28, 5:30 to 7:30
We are excited to announce we will be holding a Wine Down (Open House) Friday April 28, 2023 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Gallery.
It is the perfect time of year to enjoy beautiful weavings, wonderful friends and gorgeous sunsets. Please bring your favorite wine (or drink) and a dish to share.
RSVP to or 520-455-5020.
Hope to see you there!
- Beth Barth